Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Update time!

So, how many comics have there been since I last posted? Three? Won't bother counting them...

In other news, school has started for me, and it has been a rather hectic 1½ week, what with meeting new people and getting used to all sorts of new things (This is my first year at High School). So, well I've been busy. But that DOES NOT mean there will be no comic! Hell no! I have a two-week buffer, I have a comic in the works, and if I can't keep up to a once-a-week schedule, then I'm too lazy for webcomicing anyway. ^^; In fact, the only effect my being busy with school will have on this thing is that there will be further between blog posts, and that those other pages will probably be, you guessed it, delayed.

As for what's new, I updated the layout to run smoother in 1024x768 (If you're using 800x600: yeah, I know that horizontal scrollbar is annoying, but there isn't actually any reason to use it; all the contents show up withing a 800x600 screen). The current comic is, well, it's an improvement in many fields, IMHO. The lines are varied, the color is cel-shaded, and I like to think the page is generally better. Well, what do I know?

posted by Ida  # 8/18/2004 0 comments


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