This is, well, the title page for Episode two. But: as a sketch! Yes, I know you're all exited... This is really just a sketch that turned out so good
that I decided to scan it before ruining it with ink. |
Another sketch for a piece, but this time, it's the Christmas filler. This one is significantly better than the colored piece. |
This one actually got better by being inked... |
...whereas I prefer this sketch over the inked one. |
Finally, something interesting! This is the 'final' concept for the A.N.T, done in a hurry because I needed to decide on a concept
for Episode one's title page. The proportions are off and there's a plate too many in the corset, but otherwise this is the current design. |
Another concept drawing - This time it's Derasa. I actually designed Derasa to look the way she does so I would have an excuse for
practizing folds, but I still think this is one of my better character designs. |
Poor little thing. This is the final (after many, many bad tries) concept for Princess/Queen Shiraki, along with some probably unreadable notes on her looks and personality.
There you are, now you know as much about her as I do. Yes, really! |
I never did a real design sketch for Jeanne since she appears full-body in her first comic, but I did do one for Tom. Here you have him,
matrix-clone and civilian, along with the netbuster and... hands? Yeah, hands. Don't ask. |
Mo and Sanus's superior is yet to be named, but I did do a design sketch for her. Go me. Oh, and just ignore the danish gibberish. It doesn't say anything the drawing doesn't. |
WARNING! The following images are the age-old work of an overimaginative and undertalented preteen and might cause severe damage to your mental health. Click on your own risk.
Ta-daa! The A.N.T first appears. And it's... anorectic and armed with a chandelier? I don't know what kind of crack I smoke as a kid, but it sure wasn't healthy. |
ARGH! It actually got worse! In this picture, the young I shows her amazing lack of knowledge of both human AND insect physiology. This is, quite frankly, one of the ugliest pictures I EVER drew.
Even without the forehead heart... |
The anorectic A.N.T makes a comeback, but this time it brought Proto-Lisa with it! Don't giver her that weird stare, back then ALL my people
looked like that. And yes, she is supposed to have such a big nose. I believe this one goes with the story version where Lisa transforms by shrinking
and later turns out to actually BE the ant princess... |
Like the above, this one is from the 'shrinking' version of the story, only with a completely different design. Yes, she's got four hands. -_-; |
In this picture, Lisa is born and the future of A.N.T starts to look a little less retarded. If you forget about 'antwoman', that is. |
One of the notes on this says 'Yeah! First cool design!'. Today, I'd say 'Yay! First design that doesn't give innocent people deep mental scars!'. |
Attention! This is the picture that Io don't want you to see! ...And I can understand why. This one dates back with 'antwoman'. |
In a phase where other characters started to look bearable (this one matches the last A.N.T design), Io still looks utterly retarded. I think it's the clothes. |
Finally, Io too has a design that doesn't hurt the eyes. Much. On a side note, her name was actually Fay back then (from an incredibly bad pun on Butterfly = Butterfay)
and her theme color was purple. |