Who am I? Well, I'm not Spider-Man, if that helps anybody. ^^; For your enjoyment (or torture) here are a bunch of absolutely uneccessary stats about me: Aliases: Known as Baby Berrytown a few years ago, in the My Little Pony community... Oh, the humility. Largely gone by Ida since then, though I'm known as Hamster in a few places. Sign: Libra. Wow, a fact that is not disturbing, only pointless! Born in: Hvidovre. Don't ask. Species: Half human, half HAMSTER! Gender: Your guess. :P Idols: Arina Tanemura, Hideaki Anno, Bleedman, Moebius, Queen Margrethe the first (relax - she lived in the middle ages.) Hooked on: Sailor Moon, Pepsi MAX, Skittles, Salt liqorice Olives. Fluent in: Danish, English, German, Otaku. Baka Chibi Neko Kawaii, ne? Hates with a passion: Shopping, sports, group projects (I've had bad experiences), and peanuts. Reads: Sci-Fi, manga, French comics (the stranger the better), a book on contemporary Japanese art, and webcomics. Listens to: J-pop, Alanis Morrissette, The Cardigans, Mew, Evanescence, anything my friends don't wholeheartedly disapprove of. Watches: Lain, Evangelion, Sailor Moon, satire, smart-ass European movies, lame-ass Superhero flicks. Believes in: Cheese. (Read: Atheist.) Darkest Secret: Used to be a rabid Digimon fan. Still likes it. -_-; Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi. Car or train? Train. Your place or mine? Both!